How to Achieve a Smooth Paint Finish for Commercial Exterior Painting

A Smooth Paint Finish for Your Commercial Exterior Can Make a Big Difference!

You know that your clients want the best paint finish when you own a commercial property. A smooth paint finish will make it easier for you to clean up after and for other contractors to work on their projects. This also allows your commercial property to be more significant than before with fresh paints from your commercial exterior.

Here’s how you can achieve a smooth paint finish for commercial exterior painting:

Preparation Is Key

The first step to achieving a smooth paint finish is to prepare the surface. This includes removing any dirt or grease from the surface. This makes it easier to clean up after painting. Using a sealant for exterior painting is ideal for protection against certain elements like rain or snow. Sealants protect against water damage by sealing cracks in concrete surfaces of your exterior.

Types of Paint

There are a few different types of paint you can use for your exterior. Latex is a good choice if you’re looking for a smooth finish and don’t have a lot of time to wait between coats. Latex paints are usually thinner than other kinds. It makes it easier to apply and remove to provide you with an excellent finish. They’re also budget-friendly to help keep your costs down overtime.

Application of Techniques

Paint is applied by a number of techniques. The most common method is with a paintbrush. Rollers and sprayers are also used in some applications, depending on the surface being painted. Roller application frequently involves using rollers attached to power tools like drills or sanders. It allows you to paint thinner without having to apply it manually with brushes.

If you’re planning to paint your commercial exterior with new colors here in Monroe, CT area, don’t hesitate to reach out to AWI Painting and Power Washing for commercial exterior painting. Call us at (203) 264-8207 today!

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